Lower Satulah Falls

A high, sliding cascade, this falls is best viewed from the overlook on NC 28. The scenery from the overlook greatly enhances the falls, which aren't that great by themselves. Visit during high water with the leaves off for the best view of the actual waterfall; snow scenes, valley fog and fall color are best for the overall photographic potential.


  • Height: Perhaps 200 ft
  • Elevation: 2911 ft
  • Stream: Clear Creek
  • Landowner: Nantahala National Forest
  • GPS: 35.024936, -83.190794


Driving Directions

From the intersection of US Hwy. 64 and NC Hwy. 28 in downtown Highlands, drive 3.5 miles South on NC 28 to the signed Satulah Overlook on the right. Park there.

Directions on Google Maps

Trail Description

The falls is best viewed right from the roadside overlook. I've heard conflicting stories as to whether the land between the overlook and falls is private property, so I'm not sure if you can bushwhack to them. Nevrtheless, it wouldn't be worth it.