Leatherwood Falls
A short slide/cascade runs into a rock and veers to form a cascade near the bottom. It's tucked into a little cove area just before running into scenic Fires Creek.
- Height: 25
- Elevation: 1950 ft
- Stream: Leatherwood Branch
- Landowner: Nantahala National Forest
- GPS: 35.096196, -83.85909
Driving Directions
It's probably not worth driving out of your way to see this one, but if you're in the area looking for a place to picnic, you might as well check out the falls, which is basically in the picnic area. From the intersection of US Hwys 19, 64, 74, and 129 in Murphy, NC, take US Hwy 64 East for 9.4 miles. Turn left on NC 1302. It's 4 miles to the town of Fires Creek. Turn left again onto NC 1344 and go 1.6 miles to the parking area.
Trail Description
A short paved trail leads to a view of the falls.