Explore the Waterfalls of Western NC
The state of North Carolina is home to hundreds, if not thousands, of beautiful waterfalls, located mostly in its mountainous western area. And although many different natural attractions can be found in the Southern Applachian Mountain region, waterfalls have without a doubt become one of North Carolina's most treasured outdoor resources.
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Find a Waterfall
There are several ways to find a waterfall on this site:
Our interactive map. This is what most people who visit this site use to find a waterfall.
The list, which is an index of all the waterfalls we know of, including pictures for easy identification.
Search for it, if you already know the name of the waterfall you're looking for.
Once you find it, each waterfall has its own page with all the detailed information - a photo, descriptions, directions, and trail information where available.
About This Site
WNCWaterfalls.info is your online guide for comprehensive information about waterfalls in North Carolina. We give you pictures, statistics, maps, directions, and links to other sites to help you find your favorite waterfall. Using this information, come explore some of the most beautiful features nature has to offer!
Although we have a large number of waterfalls on the site already, we're continuously adding new waterfalls as we explore them, and improving the information on ones we've visited. Updates and trip reports can be found in the news section below. Enjoy!
North Carolina's waterfalls are, unfortunately, one of the state's most deadly attractions. For various reasons, waterfalls tempt people to put themselves in gravely dangerous yet completely avoidable situations. Don't be one of them.
The scene at a waterfall can be deceptive. Slippery rocks, swift currents, deep pools, and underwater hazards can lead to injury or death. Tragically, people die at North Carolina's waterfalls every year. Stay out of swift water, do not climb around falls, and do not try to cross rivers or streams upstream of waterfalls.
Site Updates and Waterfall News
Waterfall Keepers of North Carolina Nonprofit Group Takes Shape
Posted on January 4, 2021 11:56 am
As a historic and some might say “challenging” year drew to a close, news of a new 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization called Waterfall Keepers of North Carolina began spreading faster than the virus. Billed as “the only organization dedicated to the … Continued
Cruel Descent to Paradise
Posted on July 10, 2016 3:06 pm
We chose Rich Falls for our Saturday hiking adventure after finding it in the third edition of Kevin Adams’ North Carolina Waterfalls guidebook. We wanted a crystal clear, private swimming hole, and a trail that would likely be deserted. I’m … Continued
Trip Report: Pisgah Water Everywhere, and Much of it Falling
Posted on January 6, 2016 12:11 am
For the 10 days leading up to New Year’s Eve, we’d had a lot of rain in the southern Appalachians. Really, it was a tremendous stretch of wet weather. So, I just had to get out and look for some … Continued
Trip Report: Another Waterfall in Shope Creek
Posted on December 6, 2015 1:54 pm
Ever since the Shope Creek area opened up to visitors a few years ago, I’ve been exploring it and poring over the maps to see what might be worth a visit up there. I’ve “found” a few un-documented waterfalls (so … Continued
Courthouse Creek Road Bridge Project Delayed
Posted on November 22, 2015 11:54 am
Edit: The road has reopened as of Friday, June 10 2016 at 10 am. Courthouse Creek Road (FS 140), which leads to Courthouse Falls among other attractions in the Pisgah Ranger District off Hwy. 215, has been closed for a … Continued
Interview for the Smoky Mountain News
Posted on July 1, 2010.
I was recently interviewed by Elizabeth Jensen of the Smoky Mountain News for an article about waterfalls in Western NC! Read the article to see the plug for this site, quotes from myself and other great local waterfall "Gurus" such as Kevin Adams and Rich Stevenson, and a neat interactive waterfalls map!
Links, Plugs, and Inspiration
No research on the waterfalls in North Carolina would be complete without at least looking at these other venerable sources of information.
North Carolina Waterfalls Book
First, buy a copy of Kevin Adams' book "North Carolina Waterfalls: A Hiking and Photography Guide" online (or in local bookstores). It's the most comprehensive and updated one out there.
Next, check out Rich Stevenson's web site ncwaterfalls.com, the most comprehensive on the Internet.
Other Books and Links
Have a book, map, or web site regarding NC's waterfalls? Contact us to let us know and we'll add your link here!
Many thanks to these and other waterfall enthusiasts who have pointed us in the right direction all those times when we were out doing "field research".
Get and Share Information
All of our information is available for free via a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License! What this means is that you may copy and share this information in any way you like, without having to ask. Just be sure to give credit back to WNCWaterfalls.info!
Waterfalls can be accessed by a "permalink" URL in the following format:
where [ID] is the waterfall's numeric ID and [name] is the name of the waterfall, separated by underscores (_).
Please be sure to report any errors, omissions, or comments you might have by contacting us. We hope you enjoy!